The Lizard Man: Tales from South Carolina

The Lizard Man: Tales from South Carolina

The Lizard Man: Tales from South Carolina
1.  An American cryptid
In the United States there is a tradition of searching for mysterious creatures and recording them on video. Some are known by practically everyone (like Bigfoot), others are not so popular. This is the case of the Lizard Man, a mysterious creature that, according to the inhabitants of the South Carolina region,  lives in a place known as the Scape Ore Marsh.
The Lizardman was first reported on June 29, 1988, making it a fairly young cryptid (many of these creatures have been known for centuries in their regions). He is usually described as a bipedal creature, about 2 meters tall and quite stocky,covered in black hair and with reptilian scales on her hands, feet, and head. In some cases, witnesses have stated that the creature also had a tail.
In general, the Lizardman is spoken of as being extremely strong, capable of even overturning a car.
2.  Stories of the creature
1.  The sighting of Christopher Davis
The first sighting was made by a 17-year-old boy named Christopher Davis, who was on his way home that June 29 at 2 in the morning. According to the young man, he had to park on the road to change a tire that he had had a flat when he was attacked by the monster,  which jumped onto the roof of the vehicle. Davis was already on the inside by then, so he sped off, but it took considerable effort for the Lizardman to go down.
Once at his home, Davis told his parents what had happened, who in turn called the local authorities. When they arrived, they found a vehicle  in which the roof and part of the body had claw marks, was bent and had serious damage. One of the mirrors and the antenna had been torn off, and even some parts of the engine seemed to have suffered the consequences of the animal’s claws. The Sheriff’s conclusion  was that it was a wild animal.
The Lizard Man: Tales from South Carolina
Christopher Davis’s car after the incident
2.  Other sightings
After Davis’s account, other people began to see the creature. It usually appeared in the distance, so authorities considered it to be a bear  and quickly dismissed complaints from terrified citizens. However, two weeks after the Davis incident, the Sheriff himself found some mysterious footprints: it appeared to be a 3-toed paw about 36 centimeters in diameter that, in the man’s words, “did not belong to any known animal.  ” .
However, reports began to wane shortly after the first sighting. The last credible report (and also one of the most detailed) happened in July of that same year, when a woman named Bertha Blythers, along with her 5 children, encountered a mysterious creature near the marshes while on their way to her house. The woman, who was driving slowly,  witnessed a sizable creature come off the side of the road and charge towards the vehicle. The terrified woman sped up to avoid the monster reaching her.
The Lizard Man: Tales from South Carolina
Image from a recent video where the Lizard Man supposedly appears
In her story, Bertha stated that it was a monster  and that it was definitely not a bear or a person. The description matched that of other sightings

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