Mystery World


By adminmysteryworld

December 23, 2022

According to the Daily Star, 24 priests and monks from different religions around the world will be prepared under a NASA program if humanity detects signs of extraterrestrial life.

The advances of science still seem not enough to help people communicate and understand all the messages that are concretized in the form of images. (Artwork: Pixabay)

Andrew Davison, a British cleric and mythologist at Cambridge University who also holds a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford University, is one of the spiritual experts contacted by NASA.

The reason why NASA actively enlists the help of spiritual experts is because advances in humanity’s efforts to find extraterrestrial life are reaching new milestones.

Meanwhile, advances in science still seem not enough to help humans communicate and understand all the messages that are concretized in the form of images or sounds that we receive from outside the Earth. .

Rosiland Franklin will drill directly into the Martian surface in search of fossilized microorganisms, in a direct attempt to detect traces of life. (Artwork: Pixabay)

Recently, the James Webb telescope was successfully launched. Not only that, but the European Space Agency’s Rosiland Franklin probe, which will take off in 2022.

While the James Webb telescope is said to be optimized for observing the universe in infrared (IR) light, long wavelengths that can be perceived by humans as heat, Rosiland Franklin will drill directly away. deep into the Martian surface in search of fossilized microorganisms, in a direct attempt to detect traces of life.

Not long ago, signs of life were also detected on another planet, the atmosphere of Venus. This is what scientists found ammonia – can be made by living organisms.