Mystery World


By adminmysteryworld

December 10, 2022

Several recently published photos of a UFO hovering in the sky like a “door” over Louisiana.

Epoch Times France reports, a couple in Alexandria were driving home when they spotted what looked like a UFO emerging from a funnel of a circular cloud.

They took a few pictures and sent them to SecureTeam10, a popular YouTube channel that broadcasts about extraterrestrial phenomena and UFO sightings.

According to Tyler, who recounted the couple’s experience on YouTube, they said, “We were driving home when we noticed a white cake-shaped cloud in the sky, so I decided to take a photo before it got out. dark. Then, when we got to the driveway, when we got out of the car, it was already dark. In the midst of the pie-shaped cloud, we noticed a steam funnel beginning to descend, and at the bottom appeared a dimly lit oval object with ambient light, which hovered in the sky long enough for me to can take many pictures before it disappears.  

As soon as I saw these pictures, they reminded me of a Romanian [16th century] painting discovered in a monastery, drawing a house… and above, from within the clouds, peeked out. a long chimney, and at the bottom a disc-shaped object,” said narrator Tyler, describing a number of similar observations from around the world.