Mystery World

New Geological Study Shows That The Great Sphinx of Giza Is 800,000 Years Old

By adminmysteryworld

August 04, 2022

The Giza Plateau is one of the world’s most beautiful and fascinating sites. There, we can see the Great Sphinx, an ancient structure that has piqued the interest of experts since its discovery, and no one has been able to pinpoint its origins to this day. According to two Ukrainian experts, the Sphinx is over 800,000 years old.

Michel Vjacheslav and Alexander Parkhomenko, two academics, attempted to deconstruct the Orthodox view of Egyptology. However, the dilemma and complexity of dating the Great Sphinx’s construction persist; however, recent science tools and geological approaches make the work easier.

According to these two experts, the creation of depressions was aided by water from the Great Lakes. The erosion forms and the geological structure of the sedimentary rock are identical, implying that the energy of the waves destroyed the system.

The existence of dispersed lakes along the Nile’s edge has been confirmed by geological literature, which might explain the Sphinx’s erosion.

These lakes, on the other hand, date back to the Pleistocene. Does this imply that the Great Sphinx was already in existence? Please watch the entire video to get a better understanding of everything.